Sept. 16, 2020

Creating Memorable and Profitable Customer Journeys: Antonio Pibia, GuestXInside

Creating Memorable and Profitable Customer Journeys: Antonio Pibia, GuestXInside

The COVID-19 environment has been a difficult time to work in front line customer service positions. So much of service delivery is about non-verbal communication. Social distancing has upended all of the traditional rules and practices that everyone is used to. Antonio Pibia is the founder of GuestXInside, an Amsterdam based company that focuses on the psychological aspect of the customer experience in hospitality. He also happens to be a body language expert.

In these times of PPE and the stress of service interactions, understanding how to connect with guests on an emotional level can lead to profitable and long lasting customer relationships. Antonio talks about how the next version of customer journeys will bring about new values and social codes. Hotels that prioritize driving feelings and emotions of wellbeing to create memorable and authentic experiences will come out on top.

On this episode we discuss:

  • New awareness of what your body language is communicating (5:52)
  • Enhanced body language in front line positions (8:30)
  • Why you should understand your guests’ journey before they arrive (11:55)
  • What you should do to understand and improve your customer journey (13:57)
  • Today’s travel experience - one person’s view on getting from point A to point B during the pandemic (17:10)
  • Where hotels can hotels add value again (26:00)
  • Helping staff get in the guests head (27:40)
  • How to make guest journey training relevant for your staff… making it stick (33:00)
  • What large hotels can learn from smaller properties right now (36:34)
  • Examples of training exercises for managers to do with their team (42:40)
  • How to keep training alive (48:55)

About Antonio

I grew up in a small village in Italy and moved my way up throughout studies, travel and working experiences. As co-founder of GuestXinside I focus on the emotional/psychological aspect of the guest experience.

Currently living in the Netherlands and from there I am meeting great people all over the world to discuss, improve or develop the guest experience within their companies.
As a share holder I am also involved in the family business (Italian restaurant). A warm vibrant place, which at the beginning of my career, gave me the opportunity to test the rules of psychology within the guest service environment.

Guest experience is my passion, it is always great and challenging to work with people for people, creating that golden moment which makes a guest experience unique and memorable.


Website: GuestXInside

LinkedIn: Antonio Pibia


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